Sublime Text lives up to its name — working in this editor truly is sublime. Far better for me than Notepad++. Jeffrey Way of Nettuts+ has put together a great series of video tutorials that show you how to use all the power of this amazing application. But here’s the highlights from my perspective.
- It’s super fast!
- Goto Anything (Ctrl-p) — this fuzzy search file list is way easier and quicker than Ctrl-O or navigating through your OS file structure.
- Goto Symbol (Ctrl-r) — jump to a function or declaration
- Command palette (Ctrl-Shift-p) — Don’t remember where a command is hiding? This is a list of all available commands, filterable by fuzzy search.
- Auto-complete — just hit enter on the variable name you’re typing to finish it
- Multiple selections — I never thought this would be useful as it is when I first started with Sublime Text, but trust me, it’ll save you a ton of time!
- Plugins galore — super easy to add and remove via the command palette!
- CaseConversion — convert between lower case, UPPER CASE, Title Case, snake_case, camelCase, PascalCase, etc.
- ClipboardManager — paste from your clipboard history
- ColorHighlighter — shows colors like
in your CSS code as that color when cursor is on top of them - Format SQL — formats long SQL statement to a more readable form
- Function Name Display — adds the current function name to the status bar
- Goto Documentation (My custom keybinding Alt-F1 FTW!)
- Hasher — especially for HTML Entity/URI component encoding/decoding
- Pretty JSON — takes that ugly 1-liner and turns it into something human-readable
- SublimeLinter — highlights errors in your code
- Trailing spaces highlighting and removal
- Snippets for frequently-typed phrases
This is amazing!